Category: Ako | Learn

reading challenge (comic)

This is my reading challenge that I will be updating till it is finished.

Today I decided to do the topic comic and the comic I did was Garfield.

Here’s what it looks like.

I used this website called its a website that you can make it look like a text message.

The hardest bit about this was trying to make this good because if the smallest detail is wrong you can’t change it and you need to restart.

Here’s the comic that I used for this project

There will be more of these coming up with each topic and I hope you will enjoy it.

NZ timeline

I made a story about the NZ time line for extension

This timeline explains the history of the world like how the earth was a mega continent called Pangea.

It has the topics about dinosaurs

Pangea splitting into Laurasia and Gondwana

NZ splitting from Gondwana

And much more if you want to learn more check it out


Jaxon inquiry project

This is my creative space project i had a lot of fun making this.

I had to make something to put outside of our class room.

You can check out more on other blog post.

The thing that I designed was a bench with a blue top and a white bar holding it up.

The mouse is a hammer cause that is something that you can build with.

You can control the player with the arrow keys.

Here is the link to the blog post for more details Link